by Digital Tutor | Sep 21, 2022 | App, Creation and editing of video, Creation of infographic, Creation of presentation, Creation of websites, Free, Login needed, Partially paid, Software/tool, Web-based
Title of the resource/tool CANVA Language of the resource Bahada, Danks, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Netherland, Polish, Portuguese, Romane, Spanish, Suomi, Turkish Type of the resource/tool Software/tool App Website Field of...
by Digital Tutor | Sep 21, 2022 | App, Asynchronous learning, Collaborative learning online, Creation of infographic, Creation of tests, quizes, Digital collaboration, Digital communication, Game-based learning, Login needed, Partially paid, Software/tool, Synchronous learning, Virtual assessment, Virtual feedback, Virtual learning environments, Web-based
Title of the resource/tool Quizziz Language of the resource Any language Type of the resource/tool Software/tool App Website Learning platform Field of application Digital communication Digital collaboration Online learning and behaviour monitoring ...
by Digital Tutor | Sep 15, 2022 | Asynchronous learning, Collaborative learning online, Creation of infographic, Creation of presentation, Database/repository, Digital collaboration, Digital communication, Digital storytelling, Free, Learning platform, Partially paid, Planning (calendar), Screencasting, Synchronous learning, Virtual assessment, Virtual feedback, Virtual learning environments, Virtual libraries, Web-based
Title of the resource/tool Miro Link to the resource/tool Language of the resource English, Dutch, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Type of the resource/tool Website Learning platform Field of application Digital...
by Digital Tutor | Sep 15, 2022 | Asynchronous learning, Collaborative learning online, Creation of infographic, Creation of presentation, Database/repository, Digital collaboration, Digital communication, Digital storytelling, Free, Login needed, Need software instalation, Online learning and behaviour monitoring, Planning (calendar), Screencasting, Synchronous learning, Video conferencing, Virtual assessment, Virtual feedback, Virtual learning environments, Website
Title of the resource/tool Microsoft Whiteboard Language of the resource All languages Type of the resource/tool Software/tool App Learning platform Field of application Video conferencing Digital communication Digital collaboration Digital storytelling...
by Digital Tutor | Sep 15, 2022 | App, Asynchronous learning, Collaborative learning online, Creation of infographic, Creation of presentation, Creation of tests, quizes, Free, Game-based learning, Login needed, Screencasting, Software/tool, Synchronous learning, Virtual learning environments, Web-based
Title of the resource/tool Kahoot! Language of the resource Kahoot! is available in 15 languages, including English, Spanish, French, Brazilian Portuguese, Norwegian, German, Italian, Ukranian, Dutch, Turkish, Polish, Arabic, Traditional and Simplified Chinese, and...
by Digital Tutor | Sep 7, 2022 | Asynchronous learning, Creation of animation, Creation of infographic, Creation of presentation, Creation of tests, quizes, Data storing and sharing, Database/repository, Digital storytelling, Free, Learning platform, Login needed, Online learning and behaviour monitoring, Software/tool, Synchronous learning, Virtual assessment, Virtual laboratory, Virtual libraries, Web-based
Title of the resource/tool Common sense education Language of the resource English Spanish Type of the resource/tool Software/tool Website Learning platform Database/repository Field of application Digital storytelling Online learning and behaviour monitoring ...