Digital Tutor role definition

Competence Map associated to the Digital Tutor role

A Digital Tutor is a teacher who is able to assume tutoring functions in an online environment through the use of information and communication technologies with the goal to enable students to develop and learn online in an effective, engaging and inclusive way. The Digital Tutor has all the competences that a ‘live’ tutor has, plus the additional competences required to tutor digitally.

The objectives of the project Digital Tutors is to define the role of a Digital Tutor, to improve the teaching-learning process of online and blended training courses, to upskill online teachers and trainers as “digital tutor” and to create a resource repository to support digital tutors in their daily work.

The project’s objectives are divided into 4 Intellectual Outputs (IOs). The first IO is “DIGITAL TUTOR role definition and competences map”. One of the steps contributing to finalizing this IO is to conduct interviews with some experts and VET Centres at the partner’s locations. Partners also sent out the survey to the VET teachers and employees at their organization to gather information about the desired competences a Digital Tutor should have.

127 teachers and administrative staff from 23 schools participated in the surveys and interviews concerning the Digital Tutor research conducted by the partners. The prevailing type of schools that the respondents represent are secondary schools and VET centres. Other types of schools were: primary school, art gymnasium and gymnasium.

Competence Map

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