by Digital Tutor | Sep 21, 2022 | Asynchronous learning, Collaborative learning online, Creation and editing of video, Creation of audio, Creation of tests, quizes, Data storing and sharing, Database/repository, Login needed for more features, Partially paid, Synchronous learning, Virtual assessment, Web-based, Website
Title of the resource/tool Liveworksheets Language of the resource Any language Type of the resource/tool Website Database/repository Field of application Collaborative learning online Creation and editing of video Creation of audio Creation of tests, quizes Virtual...
by Digital Tutor | Sep 21, 2022 | App, Creation and editing of video, Creation of infographic, Creation of presentation, Creation of websites, Free, Login needed, Partially paid, Software/tool, Web-based
Title of the resource/tool CANVA Language of the resource Bahada, Danks, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Netherland, Polish, Portuguese, Romane, Spanish, Suomi, Turkish Type of the resource/tool Software/tool App Website Field of...
by Digital Tutor | Sep 21, 2022 | App, Asynchronous learning, Digital communication, Free, Learning platform, Login needed, Online learning and behaviour monitoring, Synchronous learning, Virtual assessment, Virtual feedback, Virtual learning environments, Web-based
Title of the resource/tool GOOGLE CLASSROOM Type of the resource/tool App Learning platform Field of application Video conferencing Digital communication Online learning and behaviour monitoring Data storage and sharing Virtual feedback Virtual assessment ...
by Digital Tutor | Sep 21, 2022 | App, Asynchronous learning, Collaborative learning online, Creation of infographic, Creation of tests, quizes, Digital collaboration, Digital communication, Game-based learning, Login needed, Partially paid, Software/tool, Synchronous learning, Virtual assessment, Virtual feedback, Virtual learning environments, Web-based
Title of the resource/tool Quizziz Language of the resource Any language Type of the resource/tool Software/tool App Website Learning platform Field of application Digital communication Digital collaboration Online learning and behaviour monitoring ...
by Digital Tutor | Sep 15, 2022 | Asynchronous learning, Collaborative learning online, Creation of infographic, Creation of presentation, Database/repository, Digital collaboration, Digital communication, Digital storytelling, Free, Learning platform, Partially paid, Planning (calendar), Screencasting, Synchronous learning, Virtual assessment, Virtual feedback, Virtual learning environments, Virtual libraries, Web-based
Title of the resource/tool Miro Link to the resource/tool Language of the resource English, Dutch, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Type of the resource/tool Website Learning platform Field of application Digital...
by Digital Tutor | Sep 15, 2022 | Asynchronous learning, Data storing and sharing, Database/repository, Free, Learning platform, No Login needed, Resource, Synchronous learning, Virtual libraries, Web-based
Title of the resource/tool MERLOT Language of the resource All languages Type of the resource/tool Website Learning platform Database/repository Field of application Data storage and sharing Virtual libraries Methodology of using the resource/ tool A well respected...