The crisis of the Coronavirus Covid-19 has forced thousands of educational institutions to create their own online teaching scheme. Besides this, many reports at European level stated the multiple benefits of online education, as well as the trends in the forthcoming years of online training such as the EC – European Commission’s Digital Scoreboard. This is also supported by some initiatives included in the 2020 Agenda such as the Agenda for New Skills and Jobs, Youth on the Move or the Digital Agenda and the Innovation Union; that foster innovation and modernisation of education in Europe. The EC has made some advances towards a more digital education, providing frameworks such as DigComp and DigCompEdu, there is still need of further developing the Digital Tutor role, especially in the non-technical skills.
- To define the new role of Digital Tutor
- To generate the map of competences required for a Digital Tutor
- To create 2 tools supporting the development of the Digital Tutor role
- To train, at least, 12 trainers as Digital Tutors
- To create a community of Vocational Education & Training (VET) teachers (Digital Tutors)
- To involve, at least, 10 stakeholders in the project development
- VET teachers
- VET centres headmasters/mistresses
- Teacher training institutions
- Continuous teacher training institutions
- Policy makers
- National organisations implementing the DigComp and DigCompEdu frameworks
- Other stakeholders relevant in the field of VET education and training
- Raised awareness of various related actors in the field of online education and training
- VET teachers trained as Digital Tutors, through the promotion of the Upskilling Programme (training package) through the networks created within the project and those available by all partners
- Increased number of students effectively included in online education, especially those with Special Education Needs or at risk of social or educational inclusion
- Improved learning community in the VET centres providing online training with Digital Tutors
- Fostered active participation at European level
- Digital Tutor role definition
- Competence Map associated to the Digital Tutor role
- Competence Descriptors associated to the Digital Tutor role
- Evaluation System to assess the competences of a Digital Tutor
- Upskilling training programme (40 hours) for the Digital Tutor role, with 12 teachers trained
- Open Resource Platform including tools, practices, materials and other type of resources to support the Digital Tutor function
- Digital Tutor online community
Programme: Erasmus+ KA202 Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training
Project Reference No.: 2020-1-LT01-KA202-077938
Period: 01/11/2020 – 31/12/2022